The Wyrd Way
Welcome to The Wyrd Way. This is a podcast where we explore the questions of ”how do we be who we came here to be? How do we live true to our soul?” Join me as I jam out with guests from a wide variety of backgrounds. Speaking to how they found a way to live a life that was truly for them. Going beyond the conditions and the expectations of what had been expected of them to become leaders, creators, entrepreneurs, and healers that have walked a path outside the normal and been all the better for it. Here we challenge you to expand your views, explore new concepts and be immersed in worlds that perhaps you have not explored. Topics include fitness, sexuality, mindset, magick, business, energetics, health, psychedelics and a wide range of philosophy. It’s time to join us, get wyrd and realize in this life, you get to be who you came to be and in doing that, you can have everything you’ve ever wanted.

Thursday Nov 07, 2024
Thursday Nov 07, 2024
Welcome Back Wyrd Wayer's
This was one of my favourite episodes to record. There is a deep appreciation when I get to have a fellow magician on and dive into the depths of conversations and this episode was exactly that.
One of my favourite things is having guests on that have spent the time and energy learning of themselves and ancient wisdom traditions. People that I myself get to learn from and explore concepts, ideas and ways of being.
In this episode, Daniel takes us deep right away with and then we get to explore myths, magic, runes, tantra and so much more. We touch of hermeticism, the importance of lineage and what it means to apprentice to the mystery.
Go check out the full episode, and connect with Daniel below
Remember to share, tag and let us know what landed for you.
Connect with Daniel Erulian:
Daniel Erulian (
House of Mages Instagram
Connect with me:
Dean Bentley (@thedeanbentley) • Instagram photos and videos
Mentoring Inquiry
Soul Method Community

Thursday Oct 31, 2024
Thursday Oct 31, 2024
Welcome back Wyrd Wayer's
This week we dive into an episode with Aasha T. It was great to have Aasha on and we got to explore a whole range of topics. Exploring the importance of emotional intelligence, going to the very depths and seeing how the polarities of Aasha's experience has opened her to so much (from homeless to making millions), and the continued initiation that our soul calls us too.
About Aasha:
Aasha T. is an Energetics Master and Emotional Intelligence Facilitator specializing in Magnetic Allure and Manifestation. She works with high-achievers and executives to create ripples in Love, Business and Health.
@Aasha_T_International | Instagram, Facebook | Linktree
MAGNETIC FREQUENCY- Manifesting with Energy. - YouTube
Connect with me:
Dean Bentley (@thedeanbentley) • Instagram photos and videos
Mentoring Inquiry
Soul Method Community

Thursday Oct 10, 2024
Thursday Oct 10, 2024
Welcome Back Wyrd Wayers,
This is a special episode for me. I got to welcome a dear guest onto the show, Hallie Rose.
Hallie has been someone that had been a massive part of my journey and awakening. And was my first mentor, and coach (which we dive into a bit in this episode). Returning to this podcast many years later, and experience both our changes, was a special experience.
In this episode we dive into, the nuances of transformation and the journey it takes to stay committed to one's heart and soul, he struggles of building something we love and reaching success, only to discover it may have not been what we wanted or changed into something that no longer we loved, the journey into the dark and some of the programs that are apparent within the coaching industry.
This was an incredible conversation that covered a wide variety of topics. With so much gold.
Remember to like, share and let us know what you think.
Hallie Rose is an author, speaker, educator, and relationship coach from New York City. She is also the founder & CEO of Lunar Wild which aims to reclaim the sacred feminine and address a modern need for a Rite of Passage into womanhood and host of The Thought Room PodcastConnect with Hallie Rose:Listen to The Thought Room PodcastHallie Rose (@hallie_rosebud) • Instagram photos and videosEmail |
Website Hallie Rose
Connect with me:
Dean Bentley (@thedeanbentley) • Instagram photos and videos
Mentoring Inquiry
Soul Method Community

Wednesday Oct 02, 2024
Wednesday Oct 02, 2024
Welcome Back Wyrd Wayers,
I've noticed a trend in many of the healing spaces I've been in (and this is a reflection for myself when I've been in them) is the constant seeking of peak experiences and the creation of chaos in their lives as a way to experience the INTENSITY their nervous system craves in the every day.
This can be a sign of trauma, of an unregulated nervous system and an indication that reparenting needs to occur. This is the process of healing the inner child who may not have received the love and support that was desired at the time. This helps to self source and validate the self and stops the need for an individual to chase or fix themselves to show they are worthy of love.
The theme of "fixing" the self through personal development and spirituality is one of the biggest shadows of the industry. And one of the biggest opportunities for healing within the self. When there is recognition, that the self is deserving of love as they are. Allowing healing to become a form of self love instead of self flagellation.
Remember to like, share and tell me what lands. Helping this podcast grow and the people that need it, receive it.
It is a pleasure to be of service.
Connect with me:
Dean Bentley (@thedeanbentley) • Instagram photos and videos
Mentoring Inquiry
Soul Method Community

Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
Welcome Back Wyrd Wayer's
This week was a dousy, we dive into some of the conversations that don't happen much around the healing space and the nuance of how to go beyond the surface level of some of the common new age spirituality, and tap beneath into what sits beneath.
This means looking at where our desire for healing is coming from. Is it because we don't feel good enough? Well that is the program that needs healing. For else, we become simply well adjusted humans to a world that isn't exactly sane.
This episode is great if you've been feeling stuck, facing a challenge or constantly up against the same block again and again. I share ways I navigate and come into relationship for myself and how we can move from this into a relationship with truth, acceptance and then from here, move to create change.
For those that wish to dive deeper, The Soul Method Community is open. This is a donation-based community (with also a lot of free content) to support those wanting to explore what it means to be fully alive and fully human in this wild world.
Connect with me:
Dean Bentley (@thedeanbentley) • Instagram photos and videos
Mentoring Inquiry
Soul Method Community

Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
Welcome Back Wyrd Wayers,
This is a prayer of grief. For the simplicity of being you. The one that casts aside all ideas and illusions of grandeur and come into relationship with the fact you are already grand.
Grief is a pathway home to the heart. It is the water that wears away the stone to reveal the marvel beneath. It cuts away the layers that were not us.
This is a real and raw share to help you remember you get to be you, who you are is enough and all the other stories are the grief wishing to be known.
Come home my friend.
Connect with me:
The Temple w/Dean Bentley - YouTube
Dean Bentley (@thedeanbentley) • Instagram photos and videos
Dean Bentley's Coaching (
Apply to work with me

Friday Aug 02, 2024
Friday Aug 02, 2024
Welcome Back Wyrd Wayer's
We have another solocast today. This was an episode inspired by a recent workshop I did, The Soul Method. A common theme that I witnessed this evening was the feeling of burnout that SO many people can experience when it comes to business.
These layers of shame, imposter syndrome and perfectionism that lives at the root of this. Keeping a person running. How then can we use burnout as an initiation to deeper healing and returning to ourselves?
This is the invitation. This is asking that you meet the fear. To alchemize the layers of conditioning that live within this.
This is a powerful episode for anyone who is building their own business, who has been afraid of stopping or have been unable to meet the layers of fear they experience.
Remember to like, rate and share this podcast.
Connect with me:
Join The Temple Facebook
The Temple w/Dean Bentley - YouTube
Dean Bentley (@thedeanbentley) • Instagram photos and videos
Dean Bentley's Coaching (
Apply to work with me

Friday Jul 26, 2024
Friday Jul 26, 2024
Welcome back Wyrd Wayer's,
This one is for the men, brothers and woman who are interested in the dark masculine. This episode had some bite and went into a topic that is one of the most important for the healing of the masculine and that is the conversation around the dark masculine.
This is one of the most important conversations as the dark masculine is also responsible for much of the pain of the world. This due to the shadow version of it and the expression of it in unhealthy and unintegrated ways. As a result, culture has continued to shame this part of masculinity, which only furthers the suppression and increases the shadow. This conversation offers a way for it then to be brought back into culture and society so it can be an archetype that is in service to love and the greater collective.
Jason Bluett joins me for this episode. Jason is the creator and director of the Primal Man Project. A community dedicated to supporting men to reconnect to their power, live lives of alignment and create impact in the world. A key pillar of this work is reconnecting men back to their dark masculine.
Connect with Jason:
Primal Man Project (@primalmanproject) • Instagram photos and videos
The Primal Man Project 3 Day Spear Retreat
Connect with me:
Dean Bentley (@thedeanbentley) • Instagram photos and videos
Dean Bentley's Coaching (
Apply to work with me

Wednesday Jul 10, 2024
Wednesday Jul 10, 2024
Welcome Back Wyrd Wayer's
This episode is a little bit different. I've been creating a community over in Facebook lately where I'm sharing, teaching and going into a variety of topics. This episode is a recording I did in one of our weekly live teachings and Q & A's in regards to money.
This for me is a fun conversation for money is one of the topics that can be tossed in the "she'll be right" conversation. In this episode I explore how you can begin to rebuild a relationship with money in a practical and easeful way. Going into the foundational pieces of building a healthy relationship with money.
You can find a recorded video of this over on my YouTube channel, alongside many other different videos that I haven't been sharing here.
If you want to keep up to date with all of this and join these live teachings, you can find it all in The Temple community below.
Connect with me:
Join The Temple Facebook
The Temple w/Dean Bentley - YouTube
Dean Bentley (@thedeanbentley) • Instagram photos and videos
Dean Bentley's Coaching (
Apply to work with me

Friday Jul 05, 2024
Friday Jul 05, 2024
Welcome Back Wyrd Wayer's
This episode had some extra juice. And if you've been paying attention I nearly say that for every episode... And still I believe it for this one!
On this episode, I had Allura Halliwell join me for a deep dive. Allura is Australia's leading expert on core wounding and a phenomenal leader and teacher.
On this episode we dive into many many rabbit holes. Including what is the core wound and how this relates to SO many people experiencing the same thing over and over again with no change or growth. This is a topic I love as we explore the correlations between this and the sacred wound and ultimately how we can come to a greater sense of wholeness and be a beacon for others within this world.
This episode is great for those that are ready to go beneath the surface and face the true cause of their experience. Alongside building a relationship with pain and how this can become one of our greatest teachers and liberators.
Remember to share, rate this podcast and message us below to connect and share.
Allura is dedicated to the evolution of humanity through making the unconscious patterns of the core wounding visible and then completely restructuring them.
Her life changing modality The Consciousness Method™ is a thorough and powerful path to change your relationship to reality.
Her work is for the high level spiritual seeker, coaches, mentors and aware individual.
Her mission is for all beings to live in wholeness and authenticity as the full expression of their purpose and aligned to their truth.
Connect with Allura
Allura Halliwell (@allurahalliwell) • Instagram photos and videos
Link in Bio (
Allura Halliwell | Humanitix
Connect with me:
Dean Bentley (@thedeanbentley) • Instagram photos and videos
Dean Bentley's Coaching (
Apply to work with me